

截至2023年春季, 十大网络彩票平台大全 recommends that all community members receive the COVID-19 vaccination and appropriate booster shots, 但我们并不强制这样做.  我们为所有学习者营造一个安全、健康的教育环境.  我们支持根据个人喜好佩戴口罩. We encourage you to contact your local health officials and primary doctor for personal guidance.    


If you Test Positive COVID-19(分离物)


  • 在家休息5天.
  • If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you can leave your house. (resolving symptoms indicated by no fever or headache/body aches and without medication for 24 hours).
  • 在大学室内,任何时候都要戴口罩(N95或双口罩).

If you were 暴露于某人 COVID-19(隔离)

  • 10天内不要与他人接触. (布口罩需要与外科口罩配合使用,以增加安全性)
  • 监测任何症状(咳嗽、发烧、头痛、身体疼痛或疲劳)
  •  第5天进行测试(出现症状的第一天为第0天).

If you 近距离接触 with someone with COVID-19 and you are in one of the following groups, you do not need to quarantine.

  • 您已年满18岁,并已接种所有推荐剂量的疫苗, 包括为一些免疫功能低下的人注射增强剂和额外的初级疫苗.
  • 你们年龄在5-17岁之间,完成了COVID-19疫苗初级系列接种.
  • You had confirmed COVID-19 within the last 90 days (you tested positive using a viral test).

如果你确实发展了 COVID-19症状, isolate for at least 5 days from the date your symptoms began (the date the symptoms started is day 0). 

  • You can end isolation after 5 full days if you are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and your other symptoms have improved (Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation).



You will have received a separate communication regarding protocols that are specific to your status or degree program.

截至2023年春季, 十大网络彩票平台大全 recommends that all community members receive the COVID-19 vaccination and appropriate booster shots, 但我们并不强制这样做. 


  • The recommendation for boosters is five months past your last vaccination for Moderna, 距你最后一次接种辉瑞疫苗已有5个月了. Johnson and Johnson recipients should receive their boosters two months after the initial vaccination. 



请注意,学生进入第三方网站进行实践, clinical, 或实习工作必须遵循这些实体实施的指导方针. 大学豁免不适用于大学权限以外的网站.


十大网络彩票平台大全 requires students to provide verification of COVID-19 vaccination and, as of July 20, 2022, COVID-19增强器的验证. This verification must confirm that a person is fully vaccinated and has received at least one COVID-19 Booster. 学生验证将通过Canvas完成. 


学生验证是通过Canvas在健康服务课程中完成的. 使用HFU登录凭据登录到您的Canvas帐户, and review the detailed information on how to submit verification information provided within the Canvas course. Students will be required to provide a copy of your vaccination card and must include a Booster. 

Please email or call 267-341-3262 有关于疫苗接种验证可用选项的问题.


Due to the current shortage of COVID-19 test kits and walk-in testing services in the Philadelphia area, 十大网络彩票平台大全 卫生服务 will temporarily be providing COVID-19 testing services to employees. Testing will be available to full-time and part-time employees who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and/or have been exposed to the virus. Please note that if you are currently participating in regular testing through 卫生服务 because you have an approved vaccination exemption, this requirement has not changed and you must continue to follow the instructions you received from 卫生服务.

有多种测试类型可用, and requisition requests and appointments will be required to assure appropriate access. 目前还没有针对员工的现场测试. Please note that testing is for employees only and not the general public or family members of employees.

  • PCR Testing may be completed at your local Quest Diagnostics location and produces results in roughly 48-hours. 员工可以通过申请表申请测试, 哪些会在收到后24小时内处理. Details on how to complete testing at Quest Diagnostics will be provided when you receive confirmation that your requisition form has been processed. 需要进行此测试的学生应填写 COVID-19检测申请申请表.
  •  可以完成快速PCR检测 只接受预约 at the Health Clinic located at the Philadelphia Main Campus, Stevenson Lane Residence, Suite 113. 结果在30-60分钟内产生. 预约时, 请选择“其他”作为参观类型, 在“访问理由”中,,请添加文字“员工COVID检测”.'

测试服务提供给所有全职和兼职员工. These services are not available to the general public or immediate family members. 目前还没有为员工提供COVID-19检测的预约服务. 卫生服务 appreciates your diligence in following appropriate testing procedures to assure the Health Clinic is able to support the entire campus community efficiently and effectively.


室内遮蔽是可选的所有教师,工作人员,学生和游客. The University asks that all individuals continue to have a mask with them at all times, 如果需要的话, and we strongly encourage those who are not vaccinated or who have certain medical conditions to continue to wear a mask. It is important to remember that some people may feel uncomfortable being around unmasked individuals. Additionally, many vaccinated individuals may choose to wear a mask for their own safety or for the safety of their loved ones. 请尊重每个人的选择.


  • 在卫生保健临床环境中, and in the counseling center and health services clinic (wearing a mask is required);
  • 当您接触过COVID-19患者时;
  • When you are instructed to wear a mask by a healthcare provider; administrator or professor
  • If you feel ill with upper respiratory symptoms or you are COVID-positive, and isolate.

In instances such as one-on-one meetings, either party may request that a mask be worn. If that is not acceptable to either person, an alternative arrangement should be scheduled.

我们知道,这对所有人来说都是一个充满挑战的时刻, and we are deeply grateful to the care and attention you have shown one another throughout the pandemic. Your efforts truly made the difference in our ability to stay safe and to stay together. Thank you all you have done and will continue to do in our ongoing efforts to keep our community safe.